Salesforce Implementation Services

ExistBI has the Salesforce expertise and resources to provide clients with a complete end-to-end implementation service that ensures Salesforce is deployed and adopted successfully.

ExistBI offers both bespoke and packaged, fixed cost implementation services to fit clients’ needs and budget.

One of the best investments you can make to ensure your Salesforce CRM project is a success, is to have a clear plan, which is why we start every implementation with a process mapping and business requirement workshop.

By doing so, we clearly define the scope of the Salesforce project and the timescales and resources needed to complete it. Once agreed, we then implement and customise Salesforce to match your unique business requirements and processes.

By working with our Certified Administrators, Certified Advanced Administrators, SFDC Appbuilders, SFDC Architects, SFDC Developers and Sales or Service Cloud Consultants we can help you take advantage of features and functionality you may not be able to leverage on your own, or might have considered beyond your reach and in doing so maximise your CRM investment.

Our Salesforce implementation service engagements vary in size; we partner with fast growing start-ups needing to scale, established mid-market companies and a number of the Global 2000.

Salesforce Case Studies

Denver Water: Informatica Consulting and Support
ExistBI US Air Force Data Governance
Finance and Banking Industry

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          To book this course, please fill in your details and submit the form.

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