ExistBI‘s team of certified Talend training professionals provide onsite or instructor-led virtual tuition to customers in the United States, Canada, Brazil, United Kingdom, Germany, Austria, Switzerland, Belgium, Netherlands, Croatia, Sweden, Russia, Hong Kong and Tunisia.
Data Integration
- Talend Enterprise Data Integration (1-day)
- Talend Integration Suite – Development (3-days). This course combines Talend Studio Basics For Data Integration and Talend Enterprise Data Integration. Objectives include: Implement Jobs, Control the component library, Benefit from the power of Java, Debug, optimize and deploy jobs and Industrialize the development and maintenance of these jobs. Pre Req: Knowledge of Java and/or SQL is a plus.
- Talend Studio Basics For Data Integration (2-days)
- Talend Integration Suite Administration (1-day). Objectives include: Define execution servers, Schedule jobs, Deploy jobs, Monitor the execution of jobs and access logs and Maintain the software server side. Pre Req: Good knowledge of Windows and Unix/Linux
Data Quality
- Talend Open Profiler (1-day). Objectives include: Develop analyses to monitor the quality of data from the enterprise repository. Pre Req: Knowledge of the SQL language.
- Talend Enterprise Data Quality (3-days). Objectives include: Develop analyses to monitor the quality of data from the enterprise repository and Optimize the quality of data. Pre Req: Knowledge of the SQL language and Talend Open Studio Foundation or Talend Integration Suite Development.
- Talend MDM Community Edition (2-days). Objectives include: Establish a business repository. Acquire good practices of use of an MDM and Assure the optimal governance of reference data. Pre Req: Basic knowledge of modeling.
- Talend MDM Enterprise Edition (3-days). Objectives include: Establish a business repository, Acquire good practices of use of an MDM and Assure the optimal governance of reference data. Pre Req: Talend Open Studio Foundation or Talend Integration Suite Development, Talend Open Profiler is a plus and Basic knowledge of modeling.