This May the annual Data Conference was held in Boston. This conference is unique as it’s developed by professionals for professionals, there are no sales pitches, booths or paid advertising. The mission of the conference is to allow data science practitioners to interact as scientists. This year saw speakers like; Alessandro Panella, Data Science Manager at Facebook, David Harkness, Data Science and Predictive analytics from National Geographic to Yoni Halpern, Software Engineer at Google. Subjects discussed ranged from the demanding forecast for the future of data analytics to automated index management.
Robert Grossman, Analytic Strategy Partners and Jim and Karen Frank Director, Center for Translational Data Science from University of Chicago gave an essential talk covering the management of data analytics projects in the work environment. This addressed the management and integration of a new analytics model throughout different departments, to then be integrated into services and operations. This is an aspect of all our training and consulting programs that we ensure we cover. With a consistent approach to data management throughout the company you are guaranteed to get the most from your business intelligence investment.

As with Grossman’s talk we would like to use a case study to illustrate the importance of this point. In a recent Salesforce consulting project, we were engaged to not only manage workflow but also, staff enablement and integration. This was a challenging assignment for our certified Salesforce consultants who had to first assess the current landscape of the Salesforce platform integration by the in-house team. In this initial assessment gaps in knowledge, strategy and implementation were identified. This required careful but concise management by our team of experience professionals to ensure the client’s CRM initiative was a success. The client also benefited from our data warehouse consulting services, involving the design and architecture development for new data warehouse capabilities using Microsoft Power BI. Our team of data specialist worked seamlessly with all members of the company from data analyst to CIO. This open and clear communication ensured everyone is now working with a common goal and the outcome has seen a benefit to customer service and increase in sales.
It is important to recognize the importance of ensuring a universal company ethos of data driven decision-making. This should start from adequate training of your chosen platform, supported integration and frequent report analysis throughout the company. These are some of the key points raised in Boston at the Data Science conference, and we couldn’t agree more. To discuss your company’s data analytics requirements, challenges and staff integration needs contact our team.
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