Exist Management LLC (ExistBI) Announces Growth of Salesforce Team
Exist Management LLC (ExistBI) is excited to announce the acquisition of an experienced Certified Salesforce Consulting and Support team. This is an excellent addition to the growing ExistBI digital transformation workforce. ExistBI staff is all Certified and now provide unparalleled CRM training, consulting, development and support services to customers in the US, Canada, United Kingdom, and Europe.
“This is an exciting time for us, the new team of five SFDC specialists has already been assigned a new project with an existing global customer, a leading US product manufacturer. As we educate the CIO and business stakeholders on what they can achieve with SFDC, the project has been evolving and our team adapting to meet the client’s growing needs.” Max T. Russ, Senior Director, ExistBI.
About Salesforce
Salesforce has fast become the leading CRM solution, showing a significant return on investment. As Salesforce is a cloud-based platform all your data is easily assessable anywhere anytime, there are no limits on speed, your leads can be enriched all allowing you to have the power to convert more wins. Salesforce is not all about the end sale, it can be used as a powerful digital marketing tool and to create business apps, just to name a few of its additional features.
How Can ExistBI help?
Interested in using Salesforce but not sure where to start? Have Salesforce but, not convinced your business is getting the most from the solution? This is where ExistBI can help. Their Certified Salesforce team can be there from strategy, complex integration to implementation and beyond.
ExistBI solves their customers toughest challenges by providing unmatched data warehouse consulting and business intelligence services in digital, technology, finance, marketing, operations, and enablement. With offices in Los Angeles, California, Cleveland, Ohio, Jersey City, New Jersey, London, UK and Zagreb, Croatia; they partner with medium to large Companies and government organizations, driving innovation through intelligent data led initiatives. They have experience in most industries and all business functions to deliver transformational outcomes for a demanding new digital world.
“For more information about ExistBI’s Big Data Training and Big Data Consulting services, call your nearest office: US/Canada: +1 866 965 6332 | UK/Europe: +44 (0)207 554 8568 or complete ExistBI’s contact form.”